•2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: online editor, Munich Filmfest
•Since 2008: author, Loewe Verlag, Baumhaus Verlag, cbj / Random House
•Since 2007: literary translator, Baumhaus Verlag, Knesebeck Verlag
•Since 2004: screenwriter, script translator
•1998-2004 Creative Supervisor, Disney Character Voices, International
•1996-present editor/translator,Telepool and RTL Sales
•1997-1998 freelance contributor, The Hollywood Reporter
•1996-1997 editor, GEM German Entertainment Market, mediabiz - articles for leading German trade mags Blickpunkt:Film, MusikWoche
•1995-1998 script doctor & translator
•1992-1995 dubbing translator (Disney series, "Animaniacs" )
•1992-1998 translator, editor, press attaché, Munich film fest and International Festival of Film Schools
•1992-1995 radio journalist, Bavarian Broadcasting
(incl. war reporting from Bosnia)
•1990-1991 production intern on first German late show "Gottschalk", RTL plus
•1990 camera assistant, CAMP TV
•1990 Bachelor of Arts cum laude in media studies
Pomona College, Claremont, California (listed by U.S. News & World Report as one of the 10 top U.S. liberal arts colleges)
•1986 German high school diploma, Theodolinden-Gymnasium Munich
•Born 5 Jan.1968 in Garmisch, Germany - American parents
•Languages: perfect German and English
•school French, passable Dutch (self-taught); rudimentary Serbo-Croatian